Wednesday 3 February 2010

Saint Valentine (in Latin, Valentinus) is the name of several martyred saints of ancient Rome. The name "Valentine", derived from valens (worthy), was popular in Late Antiquity.[2] Of the Saint Valentine whose feast is on February 14, nothing is known except his name and that he was buried at the Via Flaminia north of Rome on February 14. It is even uncertain whether the feast of that day celebrates only one saint or more saints of the same name.

A Valentine is nothing like
A chocolate or a rose.
For in a week these shall be gone,
But Valentines remain.
If love were always sweet to tongue
Or fragrant to the nose,
Each day would be like Valentine's,
And we would go insane.

A Valentine just hangs around
Waiting to be kissed
Long after special days have passed
And every days are here.

“You will never know love unless you surrender to it.” ~ movie quote from”Fools Rush In”

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” ~ Ingrid Bergman

“Love is being stupid together.” ~Paul Valery

“Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.” ~Voltaire

“I love you – those three words have my life in them.” ~ by Alexandrea

“kisses are a better fate than wisdom.” ~e.e. cummings

“Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” ~St. Augustine

“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” ~William Shakespeare

“This kind of certainty comes, but once in a lifetime.” ~ from the movie Bridges of Madison County

“We loved with a love that was more than love.” ~Edgar Allan Poe

From my favorite romantic author, “True love stories never have endings.” ~Richard Bach

Good one: “I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love.” ~Henry Ward Beecher


  1. Wow what a great writer you are, very impressive, the older i get the less important holidays become.

    Holiday's are seemed different when i was young.

    Have a great day!

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  3. I have another perspective; here’s our peAce de resistance: doesn't matter whether you believe or not, brudda, you're STILL gonna croak in our lifelong demise; then, while our mortal bodies are recycled in the grave after our Finite Existence, our indelible soul rises-up to be judged at the General Judgment. Here’s the point I want you to consider before you leave this world: sex in Heaven. Why not?? Can’t God provide everything? Thot so. The Trinity is just as happy you made it to the realm where we can have anything we desire for eternity rather than the realm where we can have absolutely-placebo-nuthin; if Almighty God provides everything else, why not passionate, intimate love make’n for the length of eternity? Besides worship on ‘Sunday’, dunno bout you, but I want that. See, God knew the ol El Diablo would lie like a rug and trick U.S. into believing love make’n wouldn’t be possible in Heaven, so why not git a buncha ho’s and condemn yourself? Lookit Eminem. ‘Sex is just for earth’ you say? WRONG. If you have the desire, anything and everything is possible in the Great Beyond. So dream big, America. God loves that. God loves U.S. to ‘pull Him down outta the sky’ and fantasize about where we’re going. God can and will provide if we have a seed of faith. God will water. I have faith in you, too. God bless you with discernment. -1 Peter 4:8- Just type-out on your browser 'Pascal's wager'. Be at peace. Enjoy.
